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Heidi Marie Allen Went Missing In Town Of New Haven New York in April 1994

Facial/case ID
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Actual photo
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Age progression
Public viewable
Heidi's photo is shown age-progressed to 35 years. (08/24/2011)


Last seen alive: April 03, 1994 at 20:14

Circumstances: On Easter Sunday, April 3, 1994, 18-year-old Heidi Marie Allen was working alone as a cashier at the D&W Convenience Store, located at the intersection of State Routes 104 and 104B in the Oswego County Town of New Haven, New York State. She opened the store at about 5:45 a.m. and managed the store routinely for approximately 2 hours, with nothing out of the ordinary occurring.

Her jacket, purse and car keys were left behind in the store when she vanished, her maroon station wagon was undisturbed in the parking lot, and money was found in the cash register and on the counter.

First Name: Heidi Marie
Middle Name: Marie
Last Name: Allen


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 71.0
Weight: 140.0


City: Town Of New Haven
State: New York
Zip: 13121
County: Oswego


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: light brown/blond hair worn long and curly
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: 1 inch scar on right knee
Piercings: pierced ears
Other Distinctive: birth mark

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Heidi was last seen wearing a gray sweatshirt with a plaid SU logo on the front.
Footwear: Heidi was last seen wearing white sneakers (further described as size 9 or 10 tennis shoes).
Jewelry: Heidi may have been wearing an 18' gold chain necklace with a heart and diamond charm at the time she disappeared.
Eyewear: Heidi would have been wearing glasses or possibly contacts at the time she disappeared.


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