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Jarrod Duke Johnston Missing Person News and Details

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Jarrod Duke Johnston Went Missing In Yazoo City Mississippi in July 2007

Actual photo
Public viewable
This image is the most recent, although Jarrod's hair could be longer again by now.

Actual photo
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 07, 2007

Circumstances: Jarrod left his father's home in Kentucky with his Grandmother to ride down to Mississippi to visit with friends for a few weeks. His Grandmother dropped him off at a male friend's on the 4th of July, 2007. After visiting with them for several days, the friend and his parents took Jarrod back to his Grandmothers residence in rural Yazoo County. After a disagreement with the grandmother, Jarrod walked off and has not been seen or heard from since then.

First Name: Jarrod Duke
Middle Name: Duke
Last Name: Johnston


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0
Weight: 155.0


City: Yazoo City
State: Mississippi
County: Yazoo


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Jarrod's hair tends to lighten in spots with exposure to sunlight.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Jarrod has a large birthmark on his abdomen.
Other Distinctive: Jarrod has Native American ancestry, so his complexion is fair to olive in color, but he tans easily.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Jarrod was last seen wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a red ball cap.
Jewelry: He wears a digital type wristwatch with a black band that he may interchange with colored wristbands.
Accessories: Jarrod was carrying a black duffle bag with various articles of similar clothing (jeans, t-shirts). He also took his guitar, a walnut-colored Ibenez in a black cloth/vinyl carrying case.


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Recent Comments About This Profile
04 04, 2013 | 23:45
Mickey Finn: I just watched a profile of Jarrod Johnson, missing from Yazoo, MI since 07/07. I really want to know if there is anything I can do to help Jarrod's family. His story touched my heart and I was hoping there may be an update....God Bless!
04 06, 2013 | 13:39
edwardeads: after seeing jarrods profile I felt deeply for jarrod and his family my name is edwaed and live in hope for jarrod and family is that jarrod needed time to him self and does not want to be found yet and is alive and well,i prey u find him soon.
12 12, 2013 | 13:31
KBDREAMIN: He tries to buy an engagement ring in Jackson, MS and the credit card is declined. Who's credit card? Was this a missed clue. Keep Looking, this one does not seem like foul play and he may just not know where home is right now...
01 21, 2015 | 12:24
MissingPersonsFinder: People Cant just go missing into thin air, everybody needs to look. Please help find JARROD ! Hope he's alright. I pray no animals got to him.
01 21, 2015 | 14:07
Rampage: I think he does not want to be found. He said he can take care of himself and left. Hes probably in a homeless shelter. Theres gotta be a state or place he dreamed of moving to or something. Everyone does, n maybe hes somewhere from ms to there. Who knows, he could be right there in town. Doesnt sound like they put search teams out anywhere either. Any place he used to go when he took off for days on end? If he was a ex drug addict at 18 years old and felt basically abandoned and unwanted, he very well may have been suicidal after the fight with his grandmother or possibly relapsed and ODed somewhere secluded where he liked to be alone, especially in a rural area. He could be anywhere.
05 08, 2015 | 18:47
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