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James Lee Proctor Missing Person News and Details

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James Lee Proctor Went Missing In Shady Cove Oregon in December 1990

Actual photo
Public viewable
Photo taken 1963 or 1964. Pasadena Police Dept. should have his I.D. photo. He retired in approximately 1976.

Facial/case ID
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James Lee Proctor - January 1986


Last seen alive: December 23, 1990 at 18:40

Circumstances: My brother, James Lee Proctor, went missing on December 23, 1990, from Shady Cove, Oregon. He flew his private plane. Two Search and Rescues were flown - one in January 1991 and one in August 1991 - but nothing was found of either his plane or him.

I have reason to believe that he committed suicide. Based upon information given to me by friends of his and mine who lived in Shady Cove at the time of his disappearance. He had married three weeks prior to his disappearance and, I'm told, stated to a friend, 'I think I made a mistake. I wish I could go somewhere where nobody knew me.' His bride was commuting to his home on weekends and neither she nor anyone else realized that he had disappeared until one week following. He had left all of his identification, including his badge as a retired policeman from Pasadena, California, on the kitchen counter of a home he was house-sitting for a friend who was vacationing in Arizona. He, also, left all of his credit cards and some cash. He and his wife had apparently had an argument because she was not planning to spend Christmas with him. He taxied his plane down the runway, left the engine idling, walked into his house where his wife was, returned to his plane and took off. He was never again seen.

A friend of his from Pasadena, CA, Police Department traveled to Mexico looking for him but had no success.

In January 1991, Jim's wife tried to have him declared dead but my two older sisters and I refused to allow it so soon. His wife was named Administrator of his estate and continued to collect his pension checks until Pasadena Police learned of the situation and requested the return of the checks sent him since his disappearance.

There are many other facts which I could share; however, I'm more concerned about learning whether any remains of his plane or any male fitting his description have been unidentified and unclaimed. I will complete the information form with all of his information if it is possible to add his case to your files. He was declared dead several years later and his wife was his only heir although while I was visiting him in January 1986, he had written a Will leaving much of his estate to a friend of his. He told me this as he was driving me back to my home in the Houston, TX area.

I would appreciate any information you might offer to help me gain closure on this matter.

Thank you for your assistance.

Janet D. Proctor Eandi

First Name: James Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Proctor


Age When Last Known Alive: 47
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Shady Cove
State: Oregon
Zip: 97539
County: Jackson


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Body Hair: minimal - brown
Facial Hair: minimal - brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: No prescription glasses.


Vehicle Make: Aircraft
Vehicle Model: Propeller drive
Vehicle Color: White and Green
French built Rallye, single engine, 2 seats, newly painted green on white. His personal plane.

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Recent Comments About This Profile
Nik: have a few questions about this case. hopefully someone monitors this site as I am a resident of Shady Cove and live on the same road that the air field is on. if someone could get with me so we could converse more I would love to talk to you. thank you.
12 29, 2012 | 22:46
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