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Donna Lee Urban Missing Person News and Details

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Donna Lee Urban Went Missing In Wilmington Delaware in February 1983

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Donna L. Urban’s Christiana High School senior picture.

Actual photo
Public viewable
Donna L. Urban - Delaware National Guard Army Reserve photo. Courtesy of Delaware River and Bridge Police Department.


Last seen alive: February 07, 1983

Circumstances: On February 7, 1983 at approx. 10:00pm Donna Urban, supposedly wearing a light-colored coat, stopped her car at the center of the Delaware Memorial Bridge in the extreme right northbound lane (lane #1 L.S. #b-123), got out of her car and jumped off the bridge into the Delaware River below. Officers at the scene called for search and rescue units, which arrived shortly afterwards. They continued the search throughout the night, but had negative results. Officers then searched Ms. Urban’s car for evidence of suicide, but the search also had negative results. Past medical records state that Ms. Urban was clinically depressed and noted two previous failed attempts to end her life.
First Name: Donna Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Urban


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 112.0


City: Wilmington
State: Delaware
County: New Castle


Hair: Brown
Eye: Hazel
Other Distinctive: Left Handed

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: light colored ski jacket


Donna Urban;s vehicle was recovered on the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

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