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Richard James Kirk Missing Person News and Details

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Richard James Kirk Went Missing In Olney Springs Colorado in January 2010

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
from driver's license


Last seen alive: January 24, 2010 at 11:33

Circumstances: recently turned down by a love interest, wanted to start a medical marijuana care providers business. Mr. Kirk has a speech impediment which makes him difficult to understand at times
A possible sighting of Mr. Kirk was reported by the Laramie, WY PD. Mr. Kirk was reported to be living as a homeless transient there in Nov. 2010 and was reported getting ready to move on because of the cold weather. Checking the homeless camps and shelters may provide leads as to his where abouts.

First Name: Richard James
Middle Name: James
Last Name: Kirk


Age When Last Known Alive: 61
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 230.0


City: Olney Springs
State: Colorado
Zip: 81062
County: Crowley


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: dark brown, greying around temples, basically a full head of hair
Body Hair: unknown
Facial Hair: unknown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: usually wore a flannel shirt with a cotton shirt underneath, jeans or work (agricultural) style pants, work boots
Footwear: work boots
Jewelry: unknown
Eyewear: possible reading glasses only
Accessories: unknown


Vehicle Make: Buick
Vehicle Model: Century
Year: 2000
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 462DOD
Tag State: Colorado
vehicle recoveed in Fountain, CO and currently in the Crowley County impound
Airline: none
Bus: none

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