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Clyde Daniel Stewart Missing Person News and Details

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Clyde Daniel Stewart Went Missing In Cartersville Georgia in March 2005

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: March 31, 2005

Circumstances: Unknown. Clyde was last seen at approximately 5:30pm when a family member dropped him off at a friend's in the vicinity of the 700 block of Shaddy Brook Dr. in Marietta, GA. He left with the friend in her vehicle and was last seen exiting the vehicle at Exit 290 and Hwy 20 in Cartersville, GA. Clyde does have a medical condition.
First Name: Clyde Daniel
Middle Name: Daniel
Last Name: Stewart


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 175.0


City: Cartersville
State: Georgia
County: Bartow


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: Tattoos: 'mom' with a 'heart' on right arm, Rebel flag with a gold noose and 13 knots on left arm, 'grim reaper' with 2 flags and the name 'Cowboy' in the middle of his chest, a 'cross' on right or left leg
Skeletal Information: Previously broken right hand

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Long sleeve blue jean shirt (size M), black 'Levi Strauss' jeans size 32x34, black cowboy hat with a silver rim, long black trench coat, white underwear, white socks, black billfold. Carried a green nylon duffle bag with black straps and a rebel flag towe
Footwear: Black cowboy boots


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