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George Michael Harris Missing Person News and Details

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George Michael Harris Went Missing In St. Georges Delaware in January 2006

Public viewable
St. Georges Bridge_Location of jump_a

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St. Georges Bridge_Location of jump_b

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St. Georges Bridge_Location of jump_c


Last seen alive: January 06, 2006 at 11:20

Circumstances: Based on circumstances, it is believed that Mr. Harris parked his vehicle at crest of bridge and climbed over the safety fencing. A man matching his general description was witnessed to jump from the bridge approximately 133' into the Chesapeake-Delaware canal below. Tidal flow at the time was eastbound. Decedent's body not visible after the jump and never located. Wallet and identification of George Harris was found in the parked vehicle which was registered to Mr. Harris (on the bridge). The waterways were searched by Delaware state police, USCG and Delaware City Fire Department.

The St. Georges Bridge is a steel truss bridge with a tied arch span that carries U.S. Route 13 across the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal in St. Georges, Delaware. Built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and opened in 1942 as a high-level crossing, the bridge was the first four-lane, high-level crossing to span the canal.

First Name: George Michael
Middle Name: Michael
Last Name: Harris


Age When Last Known Alive: 58
Race: Black/African Americ
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: St. Georges
State: Delaware
Zip: 19733
County: New Castle


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Balding
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Small scar on right knee from cyst removal. No birthmarks or tattoo

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Jeans.

Knit long sleeve Polo shirt, dark in color.

Footwear: Gray boots
Accessories: Baseball cap. Used a cane to assist with walking (which was located in MP's vehicle).


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