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Marian Elizabeth Brown Missing Person News and Details

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Marian Elizabeth Brown Went Missing In Greenwood Delaware in October 1970

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Circa. 1970, best and only picture known of MP.


Last seen alive: October 11, 1970

Circumstances: Per Charley Project; 'Details of Disappearance
Brown was last seen at her home near Greenwood in Sussex County, Delaware sometime during 1970. She was cooking dinner for two children at the time of her disappearance. She has never been heard from again. Brown's marriage was troubled and she and her husband had previously separated, but were living together again by the time of her disappearance. Investigators have a suspect in her disappearance, a man who died in 1988. The suspect confessed Brown's murder to several individuals, but he never revealed the location of her remains. Her case remains unsolved and foul play is suspected.'

Additional information from police reports indicates Marian Brown might possibly have left voluntarily to travel to and live in Puerto Rico.

First Name: Marian Elizabeth
Middle Name: Elizabeth
Last Name: Brown


Age When Last Known Alive: 46
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Greenwood
State: Delaware
Zip: 19950
County: Sussex


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: From the photo found, hair appears to be dark in color and either short or more likely pulled back and worn in a pony tail.
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Dress, shoes and a sweater
Jewelry: Wedding ring
Accessories: Brown pocketbook with identification papers


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