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Jennie Lee Fisher Missing Person News and Details

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Jennie Lee Fisher Went Missing In Palm Beach Gardens Florida in January 1991

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 14, 1991 at 13:46

Circumstances: Fisher and her husband were having marital problems. She came to him on or around January 14, 1991 and said she was leaving. Husband said she packed a few of her personal belongings and left their home. There was on older beat up van waiting for her with two 'biker' type males in the vehicle. There has been no contact since and her two child were left with the husband.
First Name: Jennie Lee
Middle Name: LEE
Last Name: Fisher


Age When Last Known Alive: 56
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0
Weight: 125.0


City: Palm Beach Gardens
State: Florida
Zip: 33410
County: Palm Beach


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Long shoulder length hair, with bangs
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories


Left in older beat up van, not owned by her, driven by unknown male and with male passenger (no other information available)

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