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Madeline Anna Babcock Missing Person News and Details

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Madeline Anna Babcock Went Missing In Venice Ca California in June 1968

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
taken in 1966

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: June 30, 1968 at 11:28

Circumstances: Called my mother in June or July 1968; said she would be driven the 20 miles by a friend and be over nezt day. Never saw her again.She never mentioned who this friend was. This was the last that she was seen or heard from. She failed to show up at both her jobs. She worked the assembly line at 'Plastic Glide' and as a barmaid in 'Fred's Tavern' both in Santa Monica, CA. All her things were missing from her apartment.
First Name: Madeline Anna
Middle Name: Anna
Last Name: Babcock


Age When Last Known Alive: 35
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 59.0
Weight: 105.0 to


City: Venice Ca
State: California
County: Los Angeles


Hair: Sandy
Eye: Hazel
Deformities: Large head from Hydrocephalic at birth

hysterectomy scar. bulge on the right side of her forehead due to Hydrocephali

Piercings: ears
Skeletal Information: nose broken previously

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: usuallly wore black pedal pushers with short or long sleved blouse
Footwear: sneakers very seldom high heels
Jewelry: none
Eyewear: none
Accessories: always carried a black or brown purse


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