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Ruvil Hale Went Missing In Paintsville Kentucky in July 1990

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: July 03, 1990 at 20:48

Circumstances: Hale disappeared from The Paintsville Health Care Center, a nursing home, on July 3, 1990. He reportedly disappeared about 10:25 a.m., the exact same time a Ford Tempo was stolen from the center's parking lot. At 10:25 a.m., July 3, a nursing home employee called in a missing persons report to the Paintsville 911 dispatcher's office. Near the same time, a man reported his 1988 Ford Tempo missing from Druther's Restaurant, located within 50 feet of the health care center.
Hale was the prime suspect in the auto theft, but medical personnel at the center said he would not have been physically capable of driving very far, especially without his medication. He only had $2 in his pocket. There was half a tank of gas in the car. He received a disability check and the last check was never cashed.
Since his disappearance, not a shred of evidence as to his whereabouts has surfaced.
A private investigator's independent probe into Hale's disappearance concurs with the likelihood that Hale didn't make it far, alive. However, the independent investigation did provide a possible motive for murder, and the probe's findings reportedly point an accusing finger at someone who may have had daily contact with the nursing home patient.
The private investigator reportedly concluded that Hale was murdered in cold blood when it was discovered that he was going to blow the whistle on an alleged scam that involved the purchase of low-quality items at high-quality prices. Those identified by the private investigator as having any involvement with the alleged scam were never charged in connection with Hale's disappearance or the alleged scam.
Hale was declared legally dead on July 7, 1996.

First Name: Ruvil
Last Name: Hale


Age When Last Known Alive: 43
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 208.0


City: Paintsville
State: Kentucky
County: Johnson


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: discoloration right cheek, scar on head
Skeletal Information: fracture on arm, fractured skull

Clothing and Accessories


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