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Joel Mark Wells Missing Person News and Details

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Joel Mark Wells Went Missing In Hazard Kentucky in January 1994

Actual photo
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Last seen alive: January 15, 1994 at 21:41

Circumstances: Mark Wells was last seen as he left a group of friends at the old Hazard Wal-Mart, in the 'Black Gold' shopping center. He left after an argument and walked to a Burger King restaurant around closing time on January 15th, 1994.
He banged on the doors to the restaurant, police were called and was there within minutes. Police circled the local businesses and never saw anything at all. It was an extremely cold night that night, too cold for anyone to be out walking.
According to witnesses, Wells was distressed and seemed to be wanting help.
Mark Wells was never seen or heard from again.
Search dogs hit on a scent near the river behind city hall, but nothing else. Police, family members and volunteers searched for days around the area Wells was last seen and found nothing.
Wells was one of 14 children and left behind two very young sons.

First Name: Joel Mark
Middle Name: Mark
Last Name: Wells


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Hazard
State: Kentucky
County: Perry


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: collar/shoulder length
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blue Jeans, Blue Flannel Shirt, Black Denim Jacket and a Green Cap with a Hemp Plant insignia.
Footwear: Green & Tan Hiking Boots (Back Trails brand)


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