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Jeraline Opitz Anderson Went Missing In Rancho Cordova California in July 1983


Last seen alive: July 24, 1983

Circumstances: MP is 54 years old. She was last seen on Sunday July 24, 1983 at approximately 2100 hours by a neighbor. She was leaving her residence and said she was going to Reno, Nevada. She claimed if she had any trouble with her car, she would drive it off a cliff. She appeared to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

On August 2, 1983, victims vehicle was discovered, abandoned at the Sugarloaf Trail in Shasta County. The MP had attempted to drive/climb a very steep hill and had failed. Instead of easily backing down, the driver simply abandoned the vehicle.
Women's clothing and purse were on the front seat. There was evidence the MP had gotten out of the vehicle, smoked three cigarettes (Benson & Hedges brand). A short distance up the hill, she sat down and smoked another. Walked another 12 feet, ate two fruit bars. At this point the tracks ended and no further evidence was located. The MP was not found and she has not been seen or heard from since.

For the next five days and extensive search of the surrounding trail area was conducted using grid searches and scent dogs with negative results, the search was suspended.

The MP was in average health and it is unlikely she could have walked the distance to get to the nearest paved road (without getting disoriented) - which was 45 minutes driving time away from where the vehicle was abandoned. Ten miles away from abandoned vehicle is 'Old Man Campground' accessible only by dirt road.

First Name: Jeraline Opitz
Middle Name: Opitz
Last Name: Anderson


Age When Last Known Alive: 54
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 68.0
Weight: 180.0


City: Rancho Cordova
State: California
Zip: 95670
County: Sacramento


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Short, collar length
Eye: Hazel
Other Distinctive: Wears glasses

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Glasses


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Granada
Year: 1977
Style: Sedan
Vehicle Color: Cream/Ivory
Tag Number: 105SNM
Tag State: California

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