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David Lee Branton Went Missing In Allentown Pennsylvania in January 1993

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 07, 1993 at 16:36

Circumstances: Branton was last seen leaving the Allentown Racquetball Club at Sixth and Union Streets around 11 a.m. in Allentown, Pennsylvania on January 7, 1993.
Branton's roommate returned to their apartment at 28 North 16th Street, in Allentown that evening and noticed David's car was parked across the street instead of its usual place behind the apartment. There was no sign of David, yet none of his clothes or his medication was missing. When Branton failed to return after a few days, his roommate called police.
Branton had left the area previously, but had always contacted friends or relatives to let them know he was all right. No one has reported being contacted by Branton since January 7, 1993. Police searched Branton's car and home and found no evidence regarding his disappearance.
Branton is an attorney with a law office at 921 Hamilton Street.

First Name: David Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Branton


Age When Last Known Alive: 34
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 170.0


City: Allentown
State: Pennsylvania
County: Lehigh


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue

Clothing and Accessories


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