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Edward F. Fonder Went Missing In Springfield Pennsylvania in August 1993

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: August 25, 1993 at 17:25

Circumstances: On August 25, 1993 Edward Fonder, a retired machinist, disappeared August 25, 1993, from his family's 11-acre property at 3194 Winding Road, Springfield.
The day he disappeared, his daughter woke about 07.00 to set the table for breakfast. Afterward, she went back to bed. From her room she heard her father walk down the hallway to the kitchen, open and shut the refrigerator, and then leave the house. She assumed that he was going to get the newspaper at the end of the driveway. She fell back to sleep, and when she awoke, her father was gone. She checked his bedroom and outside the house, then called police about 11.00.

Search parties were formed, an infrared helicopter camera was used and scent-tracking dogs were brought in to try and find him. An extensive search around his Springfield Township home turned up nothing. A bloodhound tracked his scent from his front door to the road at the end of his driveway before it was lost.

Other than the clothes he was wearing, his wallet, and the antique rosewood cane he used for walking, Fonder left behind all his belongings. His wallet was found by postal officials in Allentown nearly a year after he went missing.

His children were interviewed by police as persons of interest, but they were never considered suspects. His adult daughter had moved in to care for him and his wife before her death.

First Name: Edward F.
Middle Name: F.
Last Name: Fonder


Age When Last Known Alive: 80
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Springfield
State: Pennsylvania
County: Bucks


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Graying Not balding
Eye: Unknown or Missing
Scars And Marks: Previous heart-valve operation.

Clothing and Accessories


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