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David Ronald Hart Went Missing In South Franklin Twp Pennsylvania in September 1993


Last seen alive: September 24, 1993

Circumstances: On Friday, September 24, 1993, at about 7-7:30am, David Ronald Hart was dropped off by his mother at the intersection of Route 18 and Walker Lane in South Franklin Township. He was on his way to work at a local masonry to finish a job on Walker Lane. It would be the last time his mother would see him alive.

David worked the entire day, he got paid at the end of the day, but someone else cashed his paycheck. David, apparently, just disappeared.

David was known to be a heavy drinker and he used drugs. He was also known to have a 'combative' personality. There were times that he would take off for weeks, but he would always keep in touch with his family. As the weeks passed, his family, his friends and his employer heard nothing from him. His family reported him missing on November 5th, 1993.

It is extremely unlikely that David left by his own choice. He had applied for a job at the state Department of Transportation. He was planning to move into an apartment on West Chestnut St. in Washington. He'd already made arrangements to have the electricity turned on in the apartment.

Over the years, PA State Police have continued to receive leads in David's disappearance and they follow up on each lead. One tip stated that David had been buried in the state gamelands. Searches were conducted, but nothing was found. David may also have attended a concert at the Starlake Ampitheatre in Burgettstown on the day he disappeared. A ticket stub was found in his wallet, which was turned into police two months later by one of David's aquaintances.

There was a reported sighting of David at his parents' home on September 27th, but, without eye witnesses, that tip has never been definitively verified. It is also possible that he was seen at a bar on Green Street in Canton Twp the weekend he disappeared.

At the urging of a friend, David's mother enlisted the help of a psychic, despite her own disbelief in the paranormal. The psychic drew a sketch of railroad tracks, sapling trees and a creek as a possible burial spot. She also gave David's mother the first names of three men who may have been involved in his disappearance, but nothing she shared has led to David's location.

David Ronald Hart was declared dead on February 15, 2001 - it would have been his 39th birthday.

First Name: David Ronald
Middle Name: Ronald
Last Name: Hart


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 67.0
Weight: 155.0


City: South Franklin Twp
State: Pennsylvania
County: Washington


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Long Hair
Eye: Blue
Tattoos: unknown tattoo on right arm

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: blue jeans and a dark colored shirt
Footwear: work boots
Eyewear: Glasses


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