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Yu Chin Goodson Went Missing In Russellville Alabama in March 2005

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 25, 2005 at 14:20

Circumstances: Yu Chin Chang Goodson was a resident of a group home that specialized in treating patients with mental disabilities. On the afternoon of March 25, 2005, a patient at the group home informed the staff that Goodson had left the facility about 15 minutes earlier. The property owners contacted the police and began searching for her. Officers interviewed a witness who claimed to have seen a woman who matched Goodson's description getting into a car that was headed toward Decatur, Alabama. The car was a small grey or sliver older model car, like a Mazda or Nissan. The vehicle was described as having a loud muffler.

Goodson require daily medication, and did not have any with her when she disappeared. She is known to pray a lot, as well as having numerous crying episodes. Goodson loves children. She has ties to the Florence, Alabama area. Her son lives in Decatur, Alabama, and she may attempt to contact him. She may appear intoxicated or disoriented, and may be staying in missions or homeless shelters. Her bank account has not been accessed since she was reported missing.

First Name: Yu Chin
Middle Name: Chin
Last Name: Goodson


Age When Last Known Alive: 57
Race: Asian or Pacific Isl
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 150.0


City: Russellville
State: Alabama
County: Franklin


Hair: Black
Head Hair: greying
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Pink shirt and blue jeans


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