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Douglas Stephen Simmons Missing Person News and Details

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Douglas Stephen Simmons Went Missing In Raleigh North Carolina in July 1990

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: July 10, 1990

Circumstances: Simmons was last seen at a Grateful Dead concert on July 10, 1990 in Raleigh, North Carolina at approximately 7:00 PM. He told friends that he was leaving the Carter-Finley Arena for a moment to go to his car; he never returned to the stadium.

Simmons and his friends were students at the University of Western Florida at the time of his disappearance; they had driven to North Carolina to see the concert and intended to drive back to school immediately afterwards.

Simmons' friends called his father in Florida to say that his son had disappeared and they could not locate him. His friends then returned to their home state. Simmons' father drove to Raleigh four days later and filed a missing person's report for his son. By the time the report was filed, most of the evidence at the scene of the concert -- if there indeed was any -- had vanished.

Investigators did receive one tip which they considered to be the strongest indication of Simmons' possible whereabouts in the week following his disappearance. A woman stated that she had spoken to an unidentified man fitting Simmons' description in New Jersey on July 16, 1990 -- six days after the Grateful Dead concert in Raleigh. The man was near a rest area in New Jersey and was extremely disoriented; the witness said he did not recall his own name, but said he was from Florida. She went across the street to locate a police officer, but by the time they returned to the rest stop, the man had disappeared again. There has been no sign of Simmons since that time.

First Name: Douglas Stephen
Middle Name: Stephen
Last Name: Simmons


Age When Last Known Alive: 20
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 155.0


City: Raleigh
State: North Carolina
Zip: na
County: Wake


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Body Hair: na
Facial Hair: na
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: surgical scars on his left wrist and his right ankle. He also has a healed fracture on his right ankle. He has a small scar under his left eye.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: A red and white baseball cap, a white tank top, gray bermuda shorts
Footwear: White high-top Reeboks
Jewelry: Wearing a small gold rectangle key chain with the initials 'DSS'.
Eyewear: na


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