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Maria Rosario Olea Missing Person News and Details

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Maria Rosario Olea Went Missing In Coplorado Springs Colorado in November 2006

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: November 20, 2006 at 18:45

Circumstances: Maria Rosario Olea was reported Missing on 11/20/06 by her sister inlaw,Patricia Maycott.Ms. Maycott reported that on 11/18/06 at approx 1600hrs, Ms.Olea had left her brothers house and stated she would be back ,but did not returtn. Ms. Olea was supposed to do a child exchange with her ex-boyfriend, Emillio Resendiz,on 11-19-06, at approximately 1800 hrs in the parking lot of Sierra High school ,but never showed up ,nor did she call, which Mr. Resendiz stated was unusual.Ms. Olea was also supposed to meet a friend by the name of Mario on Sunday to go to a party,but, Ms. Olea didn't answer her phone when he called her.

On 11/26/06 , Patricia Maycott,Ms. Olea's two brothers,Freddy and Yary located Ms. Olea's vehicle Abandonded in the parking lot of Zios Italian Restaurant.Foul play is suspected in this case.

First Name: Maria Rosario
Middle Name: Rosario
Last Name: Olea


Age When Last Known Alive: 29
Race: Other
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 180.0 to


City: Coplorado Springs
State: Colorado
County: El Paso


Hair: Red/Auburn
Eye: Brown
Piercings: several ear piercings on both ears

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Blazer
Year: 1999
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: 165LMG
Tag State: Colorado
Expiration Year: 2007
Olea's vehicle was located abandonded in Zios Italian restuarant parking lot , six days after she was reported missing.

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