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Jennifer Lee Poole Missing Person News and Details

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Jennifer Lee Poole Went Missing In Bay Shore New York in April 2010

Public viewable
Jennifer Poole Missing from Bay Shore NY

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Jennifer Poole

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Jennifer Poole


Last seen alive: April 29, 2010 at 17:29

Circumstances: Jennifer was last seen on April 29, 2010 on Mowbray Avenue in Bay Shore, NY. Her bank account has not been accessed and her cell phone is not working. Her purse, wallet, etc. are also missing.
First Name: Jennifer Lee
Middle Name: Lee
Last Name: Poole


Age When Last Known Alive: 38
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0 to
Weight: 130.0 to


City: Bay Shore
State: New York
Zip: 11706
County: Suffolk


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Jenny has long brown hair, sometimes with blonde highlights (or highlights of another color)
Body Hair: Brown
Facial Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Jenny broke her collar bone and there is a scar across her collar bone from when this happened. She also had surgery on her arm (most likely left - but this hasn't been confirmed) during the summer of 2009. She had pins put in her arm during the surgery, which was done at Stoneybrook Hospital.
Tattoos: Jenny has 2 dog paw prints on the left side of her neck with the name JOEY written above in script.
On her upper back, Jenny has a rose with the name Michael in it.
On her back, Jenny also has a small green lightning bolt that looks like a 'home done' tattoo.

Piercings: Jenny has multiple ear piercings all the way up her ears.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: dark jeans, color print shirt
Eyewear: Jenny does not wear glasses


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