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Tammy Mahoney Went Missing In Oneida New York in May 1981

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Tammy Mahoney


Last seen alive: May 08, 1981 at 10:59

Circumstances: Tammy was picked up while hitchhiking in the City of Oneida, Madison County, NY and taken to a party on the Oneida Indian Territory, Route #46 in the City of Oneida.

Tammy has not been seen since that night, and her remains have never been found.Five months passed before police learned Tammy was on the Indian Territory.

Subsequent investigation over time (including a 1996 multi-agency police effort) has resulted in possible identification of suspect/s and witnesses and much intelligence. Very little cooperation was generated as a result, however case information continues to be received.

First Name: Tammy
Last Name: Mahoney


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 63.0
Weight: 130.0


City: Oneida
State: New York
Zip: 13421
County: Madison


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Shoulder length
Body Hair: n/a
Facial Hair: n/a
Eye: Green
Scars And Marks: Facial Freckles
Piercings: Pierced ears
Other Distinctive: May bite fingernails, they are short.
Skeletal Information: At age 6 Tammy wore a cast - possibly on the lower left leg - unable to locate X-rays/radiographs during that time period.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Possibly wearing blue jeans or bib overalls, 29'. Dark sweatshirt or large black top with white embroidery around the neck line and wrists. Dark colored or denim jacket. Bra size 36D.
Footwear: Possibly wearing white, low cut sneakers or clog/sandals, size 6.
Jewelry: Possibly worn at time of disappearance: Silver ring with green stone size 5-6; medallion with a guardian angel over a bridge with 2 children walking across bridge (medal is very thin and the size of a dime); possibly a cross necklace (small cross with turquoise stones). It is not known if Tammy was wearing these items at the time of her disappearance, however they were determined to be missing from her possessions.
Eyewear: none
Accessories: n/a


Tammy did not possess a valid drivers license nor did she own / operate any known motor vehicle
Airline: n/a
Bus: n/a

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