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Brian Kyle Plunkett Went Missing In Carlsbad Texas in June 2010

Facial/case ID
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Facial/case ID
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Last seen alive: June 13, 2010 at 19:30

Circumstances: On Sunday 06-13-2010 Brian Kyle Plunkett,had previously spoken to his parents and friends in Ringgold, Louisiana, and made plans to leave from San Angelo with a female friend, and move back to his hometown of Ringgold, Louisiana. Brian had only resided in San Angelo, Texas for a short time of approximately six weeks, and did not know many people in the area. Brian obtained employment in San Angelo shortly after his relocation, at Classy Cleaners and at an Okra processing plant.On Sunday the 13th, the day Brian advised others he was planning to leave San Angelo, Texas, the Tom Green County Sheriff's Department received a 911 call from Brian's cell phone which had been placed by the female friend who was planning to go with Brian to Louisiana. The female friend advised dispatch that she was being chased by several vehicles which she did not recognize, being driven by individuals she did not know. The female subject met with Deputies at a convenience store in San Angelo. The vehicle being driven by the female subject was discovered to belong to Brian Plunkett, which contained all of Brian's personal possessions such as clothing, wallet,identification, and cellular phone, as well as her own personal possessions. The female subject told Deputies at the scene that just prior to calling 911, she had dropped Brian off at a location in the near by rural community of Grape Creek upon his request. Following further investigation the female subject was consequently arrested for unrelated charges, and booked into the Tom Green County Jail.Deputies searched the area in which the female advised she had dropped Brian off, and were unable to locate him at that time. On Wednesday June 16,2010 Brian's parents came to the Tom Green County Sheriff Department from Louisiana, and advised they had not heard from, or had any contact with Brian since Sunday the 13th. Brian's parents advised that it was very unusual for Brian not to call or contact them for that length of time, as he generally called or texted them everyday. Detectives took a missing person report on Brian as requested by his parents,which was then entered into both the NCIC and TCIC databases. As of this date Brian has not made contact with any friends or family members, and his whereabouts are unknown. It is unknown at this time who may have been allegedly chasing Brian and the female subject prior to Brian's disappearance, or why. Brian was reported to have been wearing a black colored polo type shirt with the Classy Cleaners logo on it, light blue and white checkered walking shorts and possibly brown flip flops, or white tennis shoes prior to his disappearance.Brian is approximately 5ft 10 inches tall and weighs approximately 165lbs. Brian has short brown hair and hazel or green eyes.
First Name: Brian Kyle
Middle Name: Kyle
Last Name: Plunkett


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0 to
Weight: 165.0 to


City: Carlsbad
State: Texas
Zip: 76935
County: Tom Green


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Very clean cut short hair cut
Body Hair: light
Facial Hair: light
Eye: Hazel

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: black polo type shirt with classy cleaners logo
blue and white checkered walking shorts
and a tank top

Footwear: brown rubber flip flops; white tennis shoes
Jewelry: possibly a locket containing human ashes


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