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John Haywood Barreto Missing Person News and Details

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John Haywood Barreto Went Missing In Lake Oswego Oregon in January 1977

Facial/case ID
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Actual photo
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Actual photo
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Last seen alive: January 20, 1977

Circumstances: Subject last known to be in Florida in January 1977 when his family wired money to Miami for him. He is reported to travel in warm weather areas in an aimless manner because of a mental problem caused from taking LSD while in the US Army. Mr. Barreto was receiving disability prior to is disappearance. The money was deposited into an account his mother had access to and he would call her and have her wire money as he needed it.
First Name: John Haywood
Middle Name: Haywood
Last Name: Barreto


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Lake Oswego
State: Oregon
Zip: 97034
County: Clackamas


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Known to shave his head, wear a crew cut or let his hair grow long.
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Very extensive old burn scar on left side of chest (covered alot of chest area) and down right arm--scar
very visible. Appendix scar.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Unknown what he was wearing, but he commonly wore a solid colored shirt, blue jeans without a belt
Footwear: Commonly wore loafer style shoes
Jewelry: Unknown, when last seen he did not wear jewelry


Bus: History of travel by bus either Trailways or Greyhound.

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