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Charles Hector Mcarthur Missing Person News and Details

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Charles Hector Mcarthur Went Missing In Worcester Massachusetts in September 1982

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Charles 'Bill' McArthur

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Charles 'Bill' McArthur


Last seen alive: September 14, 1982 at 14:18

Circumstances: McArthur went to meet 3 members of a local drug ring on September 14, 1982 and was never seen again. His Thunderbird car was found 2 weeks later in Boston's then Combat Zone. McArthur had been holding a quantity of illegal narcotics.
First Name: Charles Hector
Middle Name: Hector
Last Name: Mcarthur


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0 to
Weight: 235.0 to


City: Worcester
State: Massachusetts
Zip: 01608
County: Worcester


Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Tattoos: bottom of left forearm EAGLE tattoo in color - upper left arm tattoo ribbon effect with name Bill

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Khaki or black 'Dockers', light colored short sleeve shirt
Footwear: dark tie-up style shoes


Vehicle Make: Ford
Vehicle Model: Thunderbird
Vehicle was recovered 2 weeks after his disappearance in Boston, Massachusetts (Combat Zone)

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