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David Charles Whitehair Missing Person News and Details

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David Charles Whitehair Went Missing In Felton Delaware in April 2010

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Last seen alive: April 23, 2010 at 11:11

Circumstances: Father and son missing in Delaware Bay in the area of Port Mahon, Kent County, Delaware. Father's body recovered from Delaware Bay one week later.

Synopsis: In the mid-afternoon hours of Saturday, April 24, 2010, a 16 – 18 foot vessel was spotted overturned in the Delaware Bay in the area of Port Mahon. U.S. Coast Guard personnel, Little Creek Fire Company, the DSP Dive Team and DNREC Fish and Wildlife responded to the area. Upon locating the boat, they found it void of any occupants. A search and rescue operation ensued and no one was located.

The boat was recently purchased by David R. Whitehair of Felton. Mr. Whitehair and his 17-year-old son David C. Whitehair were supposed to go on a chartered fishing trip yesterday; however, the trip was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. Mr. Whitehair decided to go anyway on his own boat and he took his son. They were last seen yesterday April 23, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

MP 7872's father David R. Whitehair body has been recovered from Delaware Bay.

MP 7872, David Charles Whitehair's body has not been recovered. MP 7872, David Charles Whitehair is of Cherokee Indian descent.

First Name: David Charles
Middle Name: Charles
Last Name: Whitehair


Age When Last Known Alive: 17
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 175.0 to


City: Felton
State: Delaware
Zip: 19943
County: Kent


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Short cropped
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Faint burn scar on right cheek
Tattoos: Tattoo from right shoulder to right elbow - dream catcher with the words 'Cherokee Pride' (See uploaded photo)
Piercings: Pierced left ear
Pierced right ear

Other Distinctive: Fair complexion, freckles encompassing his entire body
Skeletal Information: X-rays of wrist and thorax previously obtained at Milford Memorial Hospital, Milford, DE.

Clothing and Accessories

Footwear: Black and white Vans or tan work boots.
Jewelry: Diamond stud or black stud earrings, silver twist chain necklace, silver titanium tribal ring
Accessories: Black rubber elastic wrist band
Usually carrying Wintergreen Skoal chewing tobacco


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