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Daniel Mazilu Missing Person News and Details

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Daniel Mazilu Went Missing In Silver Lake Ohio in March 2002

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 28, 2002

Circumstances: Daniel lived with his family in Silver Lake, Ohio. He was last seen alive by his brother on Thursday March 28, 2002 at 2:30 PM. He did not tell his brother where he was going. Police have since learned the he made a stop in the Spicertown area of Akron to make a purchase. In April 2002, his white 1992 Plymouth Duster was later found undamaged and unlocked in a woody area near the top of a runaway truck ramp by the West Virginia/Maryland border. This car was Daniel's pride and joy and he always kept it washed and waxed. The car was meticulously placed in unforgiving terrain that is not accessible to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Its license plates had been removed. Daniel's University of Akron parking pass was the only person item found in the vehicle. He had never been to West Virginia, nor had he expressed a desire to go there. He had no credit card, bank account or extra cash for an extended trip.
First Name: Daniel
Last Name: Mazilu


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0
Weight: 160.0


City: Silver Lake
State: Ohio
Zip: 44224
County: Summit


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Bald or shaved
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen wearing black pants


Vehicle Make: Plymouth
Vehicle Model: Duster
Year: 1992
Style: Coupe
Vehicle Color: White
Tag Number: COT 3588
Tag State: Ohio
Distinctive feature: white aluminum rims

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