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Vincent Gorman Missing Person News and Details

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Vincent Gorman Went Missing In Mesa Arizona in January 2004

Actual photo
Public viewable
Drivers License photo of Vincent Gorman taken in 2003


Last seen alive: January 10, 2004

Circumstances: Mr. Gorman left his residence during the evening to go to an unknown club and never returned. He left his wallet that included his driver's license and cell phone behind.

Mr. Gorman has no known medical conditions .

First Name: Vincent
Last Name: Gorman


Age When Last Known Alive: 32
Race: Native American
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Male
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 155.0 to


City: Mesa
State: Arizona
Zip: 85201
County: Maricopa


Hair: Black
Head Hair: When last seen, hair was short and slicked back and shaved on the sides and back.
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo of 'Proud' on right calf and 'Native' on left calf.
Other Distinctive: Hairlip on left side of face.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen wearing a black leather jacket, baggy blue jeans and unknown color t-shirt.
Footwear: White K-Swiss athletic shoes.


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