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Matthew David Pendergrast Missing Person News and Details

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Matthew David Pendergrast Went Missing In Memphis Tennessee in December 2000

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: December 01, 2000

Circumstances: Pendergrast was a student at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee in 2000. His family resided in Atlanta, Georgia, where his father worked as a plastic surgeon. Pendergrast was last seen leaving his residence in Memphis between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. on December 1, 2000. He was driving his navy 1998 Toyota 4Runner sports utility vehicle (SUV) with Georgia license plates numbered 934-PT at the time. Pendergrast was scheduled to attend a Spanish class four blocks from his home that morning. He never arrived and has not been seen again. Pendergrast apparently called a friend in Atlanta that morning; it was the last time anyone has heard from him.
Pendergrast's SUV was discovered abandoned in Lonoke County, Arkansas at approximately 2:00 p.m. that day. The vehicle was located on a private dirt road off of South Kerr Road approximately one and a half miles north of Interstate 40. The SUV was parked near the edge of Bayou Meta, a swamp often used by area hunters. Pendergrast's vehicle was unlocked and his keys were in the ignition. His clothes and various personal belongings were found in a pile approximately 100 yards from his SUV.
2 agencies investigating:
Arkansas State Police 800-553-3820
Lonoke County Sheriff's Department 501-676-6494 501-843-2611

First Name: Matthew David
Middle Name: David
Last Name: Pendergrast


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0
Weight: 110.0


City: Memphis
State: Tennessee
County: Shelby


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Facial dimples

Clothing and Accessories



Vehicle Make: Toyota
Vehicle Model: 4Runner
Year: 1998
Style: SUV
Vehicle Color: Blue
Tag Number: 934-PT
Tag State: Georgia
He was driving his navy 1998 Toyota 4Runner sports utility vehicle (SUV) with Georgia license plates numbered 934-PT at the time.

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