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Douglas Carl Jones Missing Person News and Details

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Douglas Carl Jones Went Missing In Simpsonville South Carolina in July 1997

Actual photo
Public viewable
Jones, circa 1997

Actual photo
Public viewable
Jones, circa 1997


Last seen alive: July 30, 1997 at 05:33

Circumstances: Jones left for work on July 30, 1997 and has never been seen again. His black Chevrolet pickup truck was discovered abandoned on the side of a road one mile from his family's residence on August 1, 1997. The keys were missing and there was no sign of him near the vehicle.

First Name: Douglas Carl
Middle Name: Carl
Last Name: Jones


Age When Last Known Alive: 35
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 200.0


City: Simpsonville
State: South Carolina
County: Greenville


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: S10
Year: 1997
Style: Pickup
Vehicle Color: Black
His black Chevrolet pickup truck was discovered abandoned on the side of a road. The keys were missing and there was no sign of him near the vehicle.

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Recent Comments About This Profile
SCPI: Did he have a scar on his cheek and one above left eye?
07 03, 2013 | 17:53
xaren mcclain: Doug we are not giving up hope u know that we love and miss u lots love you ...aunt jeanette,and xaren your cousin
12 14, 2013 | 18:23
Lennyjean: look at the south carolina coroner's website
10 20, 2014 | 09:12
Pam: Doug, I remember you coming over to my parents house with my sister Lisa.That was the first time I had ever met you. And for some reason we got on the subject of plumbing,I quess I thought you were into plumbing. I will always remember those wonderful eyes! Be careful out there, sincerely, Pam LePorte
12 06, 2014 | 04:06
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