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William Clark Crumpacker Missing Person News and Details

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William Clark Crumpacker Went Missing In Lake Travis Texas in April 1998

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: April 03, 1998 at 19:41

Circumstances: Crumpacker, marketing manager at Dell Computer Corporation disappeared March 17, 1998, from a boat on Lake Travis, leaving his two sons on the boat.

At the time of his disappearance, he was spending the night on his boat with his children. The boat a 26-foot cabin cruiser was anchored in Little Devils Cove in Lake Travis, anchored near shore in about 35 feet of water. Deputies said both batteries on the boat were dead.

Crumpacker, an experienced boater and swimmer, had just retrieved the boat from a repair shop. Crumpacker called his wife at 22.00 and told her that he and the boys were getting ready to go to bed. About midnight, Crumpacker told his sons he was going swimming because he had gotten dirty and wanted to clean off. The next morning, he was nowhere to be found, but his blue bath towel was found on the beach. The water temperature was about 55 degrees.
When the boys awoke in the morning, their father was gone. He is presumed to have drowned, but his body has not been found. It is believed that he went for a late night swim alone and never returned.

First Name: William Clark
Middle Name: Clark
Last Name: Crumpacker


Age When Last Known Alive: 37
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 75.0 to
Weight: 225.0 to


City: Lake Travis
State: Texas
County: Travis


Hair: Brown
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: A scar on the front of his left shin

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Wears glasses


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