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Rhonda Ann Brown Missing Person News and Details

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Rhonda Ann Brown Went Missing In Hudson Florida in January 2000

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: January 16, 2000 at 09:08

Circumstances: Rhonda Brown was last seen on 01/16/00 leaving her residence in Hudson on foot to travel to a nearby bar. Rhonda did not take any of her belongings with her. She was an alcoholic and would frequent local bars. Prior to her disappearance she suffered a broken right foot and had recently removed the cast herself. Rhonda has brown hair, hazel eyes, is five foot eight inches tall, one hundred and ten pounds, wearing numerous rings, including an Irish marriage ring, a dolphin ring, a heart ring and a filigree ring with a diamond.
First Name: Rhonda Ann
Middle Name: Ann
Last Name: Brown


Age When Last Known Alive: 35
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 67.0 to
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Hudson
State: Florida
Zip: 34667
County: Pasco


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: long curly brown hair
Body Hair: none
Facial Hair: none
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Scar on forehead and right eye
Skeletal Information: Rhonda had recently broken her right foot prior to her disappearance.

Clothing and Accessories

Jewelry: Rhonda was wearing numerous rings, an Irish marriage ring, a dolphin ring, a heart ring and a filigree ring with a diamond.


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