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Stephanie Shae Henderson Missing Person News and Details

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Stephanie Shae Henderson Went Missing In Levelland Texas in November 1993

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Last seen alive: November 28, 1993 at 03:05

Circumstances: Stephanie was last seen in Levelland, Texas on November 28, 1993. The same day she had a fight with her husband. She called her grandmother and told her she was leaving. When her grandmother arrived, Stephane was gone.

Police say the husband told her some friends from Hobbs, New Mexico had come by to pick her up. Stephanie left all of her personal belongings behind, including her purse and her only pair of shoes. It wasn't until weeks later, that Stephanie's grandmother grew suspicious about Stephanie's disappearance. She received a typed letter stating that Stephanie was in Hobbs, New Mexico, signed 'lots of love, Stephanie', but the letter was postmarked in Lubbock Texas. The grandmother contacted authorities to file a missing persons report.

Police talked to everybody that may have come in contact with her at the time. Police questioned the people that the husband allegedly stated picked Stephanie up and had taken to Hobbs. They said they did not pick her up.
Foul play is suspected in her disappearance.

First Name: Stephanie Shae
Middle Name: Shae
Last Name: Henderson


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 68.0 to
Weight: 156.0 to


City: Levelland
State: Texas
County: Hockley


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: scars on her left thigh, right hip, and lower abdomen
Tattoos: She has a tattoo of an 'S' between her thumb and forefinger

Clothing and Accessories


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