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Janis Kay Sanders Missing Person News and Details

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Janis Kay Sanders Went Missing In Niles Michigan in August 1975

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Family Photograph


Last seen alive: August 05, 1975 at 10:10

Circumstances: A week prior to her disappearance, Janice left her boyfriend, Gerald Libertowski, and moved back in with her parents in Niles, MI. She went to work on July 20, 1975 (a Sunday) at Pete's Patio Resturant. When Janis left work that evening, Libertowski (whom was also seen at Pete's that same evening) followed her out. Libertowski was described by witnesses as 'acting like a mad man'. She has never been seen again.
First Name: Janis Kay
Middle Name: Kay
Last Name: Sanders


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 64.0
Weight: 115.0


City: Niles
State: Michigan
Zip: 49120
County: Berrien


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Bushy hair style
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: Freckles
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Ears only

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Collared long sleeve rose-colored shirt, with a black 'jumper' style dress. Also had on black panty hose.
Footwear: White shoes
Jewelry: Gold earrings
Accessories: Gold watch with a black leather band.


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