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Estephanie Valle-rodriguez Missing Person News and Details

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Estephanie Valle-rodriguez Went Missing In New Milford New Jersey in February 2009

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Date Unknown


Last seen alive: February 03, 2009 at 09:55

Circumstances: Estephanie Valle-Rodriguez was reported missing by her aunt whom she previously resided with. She went to work at 7 a.m. on 2/3/09 and left work to walk to her bus stop. She was not see again after leaving work.
First Name: Estephanie
Last Name: Valle-rodriguez


Age When Last Known Alive: 23
Race: White
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 90.0 to


City: New Milford
State: New Jersey
Zip: 07646
County: Bergen


Hair: Black
Head Hair: long straight, longer than shoulder length.
Eye: Black
Piercings: Belly button piercing

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Molly Maids employer uniform, Polo shirt with blue stripes, navy blue or khaki pants and a black sweatshirt
Footwear: Black sneakers of unknown brand
Jewelry: belly button piercing
Eyewear: none
Accessories: small zippered bag black and white in color


No known vehicles, missing person did not have a Driver's license
Airline: Unknown
Bus: Used NJ Transit bus #162 to go to and from work on a da

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