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Charles A Ulrich Went Missing In Uhrichsville Ohio in January 1975

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Last seen alive: January 29, 1975 at 13:22

Circumstances: Charles 'Spike' Ulrich disappeared in the early morning of January 29, 1975, during a thunderstorm, from the Riverside area on County Road 39, now Riverside Road, near Uhrichsville. He left behind his keys, wallet, belt, money and pocket knife. He also altered his morning routine, which included making coffee, and waking his wife in time for a religious program on television. The door to his house was ajar, when his wife woke up at 07.00. The family car was still in the garage.

Ulrich worked as a claims examiner for the Bureau of Employment Services office at New Philadelphia. He was a religious man, and taught Sunday school. He had no debts, was not depressed, and was given a clean bill of health just a month before he disappeared. He was a Masonic Lodge member.
Spike was declared dead in 1980.

First Name: Charles A
Middle Name: A
Last Name: Ulrich


Age When Last Known Alive: 63
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 70.0
Weight: 155.0


City: Uhrichsville
State: Ohio
County: Tuscarawas


Hair: Gray or Partially Gray
Head Hair: Steel-gray hair
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Suffered a gash to the head in 1970 that caused several nerves to be severed. Scar below an left eye.
Finger And Toe Nails: Short left ring finger. Barely longer than pinkie finger.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Wool topcoat with samll green and brown check possibly with 'Kanner's' label, a hat with green, yellow, and brown checks, light brown double knit shirt.
Footwear: Black shoes
Jewelry: Gold wedding ring
Eyewear: Glasses with plactic frames and metal under rims


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