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Lisa Marie Wallace Geise Missing Person News and Details

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Lisa Marie Wallace Geise Went Missing In Norcross Georgia in February 1989

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: February 26, 1989

Circumstances: Geise was last seen at her place of work, a picture frame company in Norcross, Georgia, on February 26, 1989. It was her day off, but she had gone there to run inventory. That same day, someone started a fire at the company. The fire triggered the sprinkler system, but the sprinkers were not connected to an alarm, so the water poured for hours without being detected. When employees arrived the following morning, the water was ankle-deep on the floor. Near Geise's desk, where the fire had started, was a pool of blood.
Due to the circumstances, authorities began searching for Geise immediately. Her purse was found on the roof of a nearby building; nothing was missing except the keys to Geise's car, a 1983 Nissan Pulsar. The vehicle was found parked a block away. In the woods near Geise's workplace was a 10-pound doorstop and a cloth mail card, both stained with blood. Some bloodstains were also found on the door of a company van. There was no sign of Geise or her remains. Authorities attempted to test the blood at her work site for DNA, but the water had destroyed the DNA in the blood. It had been raining the day Geise disappeared and the bloodstained items outside got wet.

First Name: Lisa Marie Wallace
Middle Name: Marie Wallace
Last Name: Geise


Age When Last Known Alive: 26
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 60.0 to
Weight: 100.0 to


City: Norcross
State: Georgia
County: Gwinnett


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Eye: Unknown or Missing

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Wears contact lenses


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