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Ella Beth Lodermeier Missing Person News and Details

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Ella Beth Lodermeier Went Missing In Sioux Falls South Dakota in March 1974

Actual photo
Public viewable
lodermeier circa, 1974


Last seen alive: March 06, 1974 at 15:42

First Name: Ella Beth
Last Name: Lodermeier


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 61.0
Weight: 105.0


City: Sioux Falls
State: South Dakota
Zip: 57104
County: Minnehaha


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: N/A
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Eye: Green

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen wearing blue jeans, blue sweatshirt.
Footwear: N/A
Jewelry: N/A
Eyewear: N/A
Accessories: N/A


Ms. Lodermeier's car was in the driveway.

Airline: N/A
Bus: N/A

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Recent Comments About This Profile
jason: This may or may not be the first time this animal has done this. If it was the first time, he did it again and again. Judging where the evidence was found he is probably incarcerated in iowa. next I would check Minnesota and then Illinois. I would look for a white male with prior sex offenses. at the time of the crime he was probably 25 to 40 with a job that would cause him to travel (construction or transient worker). which makes him 65-80. So we have three possible situations. 1. he has died. 2. he is sick and or incarcerated. or 3. never caught and too old to commit other offenses,and he has told someone at some point. I am a amateur obviousy, but very interested in this case. was there any construction with out of state workers going on in the area at that time? what about sex offenders in the area? any similar case within 50 miles in two years prior or after? I am looking for a white male who was 25-40 at the time with a history of rejection from other females.
10 19, 2013 | 00:05
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