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Rebecca Jean Beard Missing Person News and Details

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Rebecca Jean Beard Went Missing In Freeport Texas in March 1986

Facial/case ID
Public viewable
Rebecca Jean Lemke Beard


Last seen alive: March 01, 1986

Circumstances: Beard was last seen at the Excaliber Club in Freeport, Texas. She had a 2-year-old daughter and worked for a car dealership. Paul Gayland Taylor pleaded guilty to murdering Beard in February 1995. Prosecutors were able to get an indictment against Taylor after he bragged while in prison on unrelated conviction to having killed Beard at his Clute home. Taylor showed authorities where he thought he buried Beard in a shallow grave, in a rice field just south of Angleton. The search was suspended without finding Beard's remains.

Taylor, 38, was sentenced to life in prison for the murder. He also was sentenced to 25 years for solicitation of capital murder for trying to hire someone to kill a witness who was to testify in the murder case.

First Name: Rebecca Jean
Middle Name: Jean
Last Name: Beard


Age When Last Known Alive: 22
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 65.0 to
Weight: 120.0


City: Freeport
State: Texas
County: Brazoria


Hair: Blond/Strawberry
Head Hair: Blonde
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Rebecca Beard has a one inch scar on the side of her face.
Piercings: Pierced ears

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: She was wearing blue stirrup pants, a long white silk blouse with a red triangle, spike heels.
Accessories: Rebecca was carrying a small yellow purse


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