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Nikki Lyn Forrest Missing Person News and Details

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Nikki Lyn Forrest Went Missing In Piqua Ohio in September 2010

Public viewable
Lower back.

Public viewable
Left arm, bicep to shoulder range.

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: September 25, 2010 at 15:16

Circumstances: After a fight with the person with whom she was staying, Nikki disappeared. Her identification and medication required to keep her from losing her baby was found later.
First Name: Nikki Lyn
Middle Name: Lyn
Last Name: Forrest


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 62.0
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Piqua
State: Ohio
County: Miami


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown to black, changed often.
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tattoo of a scarecrow (with caption 'If only I had a brain') on her arm, a moth from The Silence of the Lambs on her stomach, and a Bat with a celtic knot on the center of her lower back. Others perhaps, but unknown.
Piercings: Ears and tongue at least.
Other Distinctive: Very small, button nose.

Clothing and Accessories


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G: I use to work with her,its just sad wish they find out something
11 27, 2013 | 18:11
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