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Phillip Wade Roberts Missing Person News and Details

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Phillip Wade Roberts Went Missing In Grand Saline Texas in May 1982

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: May 03, 1982 at 18:54

Circumstances: Roberts was last seen when he left for work on May 3, 1982. He worked as a security officer at Holly Lake, near Hawkins.
His car was located four days later, parked off Caney Creek Road. There was no signs of a struggle.
Foul play is possible.

First Name: Phillip Wade
Middle Name: Wade
Last Name: Roberts


Age When Last Known Alive: 36
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 69.0 to
Weight: 200.0 to


City: Grand Saline
State: Texas
County: Van Zandt


Hair: Brown
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: He has a tattoo on his right arm 4 to 5 inches above the elbow of a heart with a dagger.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Last seen wearing a brown shirt, brown pants and brown work boots.


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