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Ronald Allen Douglass Missing Person News and Details

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Ronald Allen Douglass Went Missing In Unknown Texas in March 1983

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 01, 1983 at 20:47

Circumstances: Unknow what county he was last seen in.
Mr. Douglass at one time traveled and performed with “The Whitey Gleason Trio”, an evangelistic group. His last contact with his mother by letter was February 17, 1985.

First Name: Ronald Allen
Middle Name: Allen
Last Name: Douglass


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 66.0
Weight: 175.0


City: Unknown
State: Texas
County: Austin


Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: short stubby feet, scars on both ankles and many moles on his back and buttocks.
Skeletal Information: suffers from Polio, enlarged head and is blind in his left eye.short stubby feet, scars on both ankles and many moles on his back and buttocks.

Clothing and Accessories


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