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Perry Otto Corlew Went Missing In Grayling Michigan in March 1974

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: March 15, 1974 at 22:05

Circumstances: At about 8:30 p.m. on March 15, 1974, Perry Otto Corlew got into a fender-bender in front of Grayling's Rialto Theater in a car he had just purchased. Instead of waiting for police, he took off. And that was the last anyone saw of him.

About 90 minutes later a passing trucker alerted police that Corlew's car was sitting on the side of I-75 about 15 miles south of Grayling. The engine was still running, the headlights were on and the driver's side door was open. But Perry Corlew was nowhere to be seen.

Police from Crawford and Roscommon counties called to the scene were baffled. There were no footprints in the snow and no witnesses to what happened.

A police report said Corlew may have gone to downstate Michigan or to Florida. And friends said he had talked of going to California.

In 1978, his parents thought they spotted him standing in an unemployment line on a national television newscast. They tracked down the report but could not verify the place where the footage was taken because it was shot by a free-lance photographer.

Local police and the FBI reopened the case in 1992 and a photo was generated of what Corlew would look like at the age of 40.

Also in 1992, his brother Michael received a telephone call from someone mimicking cartoon character voices, which Michael and Perry used to do. The caller asked Michael what he thought of the voices, but hung up without identifying himself.

First Name: Perry Otto
Middle Name: Otto
Last Name: Corlew


Age When Last Known Alive: 18
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0 to
Weight: 155.0 to


City: Grayling
State: Michigan
County: Crawford


Hair: Brown
Eye: Green
Other Distinctive: Light complexion

Clothing and Accessories

Eyewear: Corlew wore glasses


Corlew got into a fender-bender in front of Grayling's Rialto Theater in a car he had just purchased. Instead of waiting for police, he took off. And that was the last anyone saw of him.

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