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Franklin Thomas Gottschalk Went Missing In Mason Michigan in February 1997

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: February 02, 1997 at 13:08

Circumstances: Gottschalk was last seen at his residence in Mason. He had been an English major at Michigan State University and was within three credits of graduating, but he did not register for classes for the spring semester of 1997.

On February 2 he drove off in his brother's car, without permission, and has never been heard from again. The vehicle was found in a parking lot at the corner of Grand River Avenue and Cedar Street in Lansing. There was no sign of Gottschalk at the scene, but cyclists found two bags belonging to him on the Shiawassee Street bridge. Divers searched the water beneath the bridge but found no clues relating to Gottschalk's case. There was nothing missing from the bags except Gottschalk's black leather jacket, his Detroit Lions coat, his wallet, and a watch his mother had given him. His case remains unsolved.

First Name: Franklin Thomas
Middle Name: Thomas
Last Name: Gottschalk


Age When Last Known Alive: 25
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 64.0
Weight: 150.0 to


City: Mason
State: Michigan
County: Ingham


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Naturally curly hair.
Eye: Brown
Scars And Marks: Scar on left shoulder from motorcycle accident.

Scar on solar plexus

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: There was nothing missing from the bags except Gottschalk's black leather jacket, his Detroit Lions coat, his wallet, and a watch his mother had given him.
The Detroit Lions coat was later found in a cornfield in the Mason area.

Jewelry: Watch with brown leather band.


Vehicle Make: Oldsmobile
Vehicle Model: Toronado Trofeo
Year: 1977
Style: Coupe
Vehicle Color: Black and Red
Tag Type: Passenger autom
Tag Number: MXT164
Tag State: Michigan
On February 2 he drove off in his brother's car, without permission, and has never been heard from again. The vehicle was found in a parking lot at the corner of Grand River Avenue and Cedar Street in Lansing.

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