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Pernell Lloyd Tewangoitewa Missing Person News and Details

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Pernell Lloyd Tewangoitewa Went Missing In Farmington New Mexico in May 1998

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID


Last seen alive: May 29, 1998

Circumstances: Pernell was a student at a local cosmetology school and lived with his sister Brook Milligan at her house in Bloomfield about 10 miles southeast of Farmington. On the night of his disappearance in May 1998, he spent the evening with Brook and friends at Gator's Bar & Grill, a popular Farmington club, before leaving in separate cars. He drove Brook's 1988 Subaru station wagon while Brook rode with friends. She thought he was following her home but he never arrived.

On June 18, almost three weeks later, an oil field worker checking on a well about five miles northwest of Farmington found the badly burned Subaru in a dry river wash in Choke Cherry Canyon. He reported it to the San Juan County Sheriff's Department. He is of Navajo-Hopi descent.

First Name: Pernell Lloyd
Middle Name: Lloyd
Last Name: Tewangoitewa


Age When Last Known Alive: 21
Race: Native American
Sex: Male
Height: 74.0
Weight: 175.0


City: Farmington
State: New Mexico
County: San Juan


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Black
Eye: Brown

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Light blue shirt and blue jeans
Eyewear: Wears gold toned, wire framed eyeglasses


Vehicle Make: Subaru
Vehicle Model: Unknown
Year: 1988
Style: Wagon
Vehicle Color: Aluminum/Silver
LKA- He was driving a friends vehicle.

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