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The following Official Record of Wilbert Martin is being republished by under the Freedom of Information Act , Public Records Acts and many other Federal and State Laws. However, if you read misleading, defamatory, or degrading content, please notify us by email with as much detail as possible. We will not respond to theatening emails, or insults. Please write us a polite email, and you're more likely to get a positive response from us. Thank you for your help.
Wilbert Martin Went Missing In Klagetoh Arizona in November 2004
 Actual photo Public viewable LKA photo June 2004
 Actual photo Public viewable Profile 1998
 Actual photo Public viewable Wilbert's typical dress 1998
 Actual photo Public viewable Most recent Mug Shot June 2004
 Actual photo Public viewable 'Missing Person' Flyer Nov 2004
 Facial/case ID Public viewable NEW MEXICO DRIVERS LICENSE
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Last seen alive: November 02, 2004 at 21:30
First Name: Wilbert Last Name: Martin
Age When Last Known Alive: 32 Race: Native American Sex: Male Height: 64.0 to Weight: 130.0 to
City: Klagetoh State: Arizona Zip: 86505 County: Apache
Hair: Black Head Hair: Black/brown. Sholder length tied back in pony tail. Often ware baseball cap to keep hair out of face. Body Hair: Maybe a couple of hair on chest, full under arm hair, otherwise none. Facial Hair: Maybe a couple of hair on chest, full under arm hair, otherwise none. Eye: Brown Scars And Marks: 1)Stomach 2-1/2 inch sugery scar at belly button up, for gun shot wound (self inflected), bullet point of entry was on left of scar. 2) Right hand and forearm has dark pigment due to infant sunburn scaring. 3)Head scars: from front hair line to back of head due to shovel blow head trauma; on forehead at hairline scar from side to side due to being hit by police auto (may have metal plate); borken nose from several impacts; jaw broken with screws/pins on both joints causing enlarged jaw appearance. 2) R Leg (maybe both) has screws/pins from being hit by police auto. 3) R ankle also weakend due to being hit police car (wore ace bandange). Will add information when we remember. Tattoos: On left upper arm (maybe on R): Lowrider girl with cholow hat, facial profile & upper torso w/ obvious enlarged breast only. Outline only no shading. Artificial Body Parts: Screws/pins in jaw (both joints) and right leg/knee. Also mabe metal plate in head. Finger And Toe Nails: Maybe longer nails for not trimming. Other Distinctive: Walked with a limp/wobble. Also walked with a bounce, shoulders often hunched forward. Skeletal Information: Head scars: from front hair line to back of head due to shovel blow head trauma; on forehead at hairline scar from side to side due to being hit by police auto (may have metal plate); borken nose from several impacts; jaw broken with screws/pins on both joints causing enlarged jaw appearance.
Clothing and Accessories
Clothing: Don't know what he was wearing at time, but we know he likes to wear baseball caps to hold hair out of face. Jewelry: Liked wearing 'cross' jewelery around neck. But don't if he had any. Eyewear: No glasses, but need them. Accessories: Liked wearing 'cross' jewelery around neck. Tied hair back in pony tail.
None - ran into night on foot. May have caught ride with someone by hitch hiking.
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