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Chad Howard Smith Missing Person News and Details

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Chad Howard Smith Went Missing In Shepherdsville Kentucky in January 2011

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Actual photo
Public viewable
Nov. 18th, 2010.


Last seen alive: January 11, 2011 at 17:21

Circumstances: January 11, 2011 - abandoned our car the same day he went missing in downtown Louisville, KY. He left the keys in the center console. It was left a few blocks from several hospitals, a Greyhound station and one block from the Ohio River. When he left home he left behind his wallet, ID, credit/debit cards and money. He didn't take a coat with him even though it was snowing.

First Name: Chad Howard
Middle Name: Howard
Last Name: Smith


Age When Last Known Alive: 38
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 73.0 to
Weight: 135.0 to


City: Shepherdsville
State: Kentucky
Zip: 40165
County: Bullitt


Hair: Red/Auburn
Head Hair: Short, parted on his right, front was getting a little long and starting to fall into his eyes a little. His hair is a light red/ strawberry blond. Not very long in back. Usually kept it short.
Body Hair: Very little chest hair. No back hair. Arm and leg hair not very thick.
Facial Hair: Very little chest hair. No back hair. Arm and leg hair not very thick.
Eye: Blue
Piercings: Silver belly button ring.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: T-shirt, don't remember exactly which one, blue jeans.
Footwear: white Adidas sneakers with red stripes.
Jewelry: Silver necklace
silver belly button ring

Eyewear: Black framed glasses
also wears contacts

Accessories: Possibly wearing a black or brown belt


Vehicle recovered. No other known means of transportation.
Airline: N/A
Bus: N/A

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