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Mary Louise Walker Missing Person News and Details

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Mary Louise Walker Went Missing In Long Beach California in December 1995

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 16, 1995 at 15:15

Circumstances: M/P Mary had a domestic violence history with her longtime boyfriend. A witness saw the boyfriend/suspect punch M/P Mary in the face, unconscious. He then made the witness leave the home. M/P mary has not been seen since. The suspect is in prison on unrelated crimes.
First Name: Mary Louise
Middle Name: Louise
Last Name: Walker


Age When Last Known Alive: 39
Race: Black/African Americ
Ethnicity: Other
Sex: Female
Height: 58.0 to
Weight: 85.0 to


City: Long Beach
State: California
Zip: 90806
County: Los Angeles


Hair: Black
Head Hair: Straight and short hair
Eye: Brown
Tattoos: Tat of a red/black ROSE on left arm. Tat of three cherries on left back.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Blk/wht long sleeve shirt, blk jeans.
Footwear: Blk cordoroy shoes.


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