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William Jeffers Lank Missing Person News and Details

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William Jeffers Lank Went Missing In Wilmington Delaware in December 1992

Facial/case ID
Public viewable

Actual photo
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 13, 1992 at 10:40

Circumstances: On 12-13-92 at 1044AM the Delaware River & Bay Authority (DRBA) received a call that a white male had jumped from Northbound bridge. Authorities were dispatched to the scene and a vehicle was stopped in Lane 1 of the Eastbound span at Centerspan of the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Marine rescue personnel were dispatched to same location to conduct a search; however, the results were negative.
First Name: William Jeffers
Middle Name: Jeffers
Last Name: Lank


Age When Last Known Alive: 42
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 72.0
Weight: 175.0


City: Wilmington
State: Delaware
Zip: 19801
County: New Castle


Hair: Sandy
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Scars on right calf, left and right leg and neck from old auto accident

Mole on upper arm

Skeletal Information: Crippled right leg shattered bones in upper and lower parts of the leg (auto accident)
Left and right ankle broken (auto accident)
Skull fracture (auto accident)

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Khaki pants, red shirt, blue full length woolrich winter coat, gray sweat pants underneath Khaki
Footwear: Work shoes
Jewelry: Gold wedding ring size 12
Accessories: Black large velcro wallet with identification papers inside


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