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Tara Leigh Calico Went Missing In Belen New Mexico in September 1988

Facial/case ID


Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Facial/case ID

Age progression


Last seen alive: September 20, 1988

Circumstances: Calico left her house on Brugg Street in Belen, New Mexico to go on a bike ride at 9:30 on the morning of September 20, 1988. She took her mother's bike because her own was damaged. She was last seen riding her mother's neon pink Huffy mountain bicycle with yellow control cables and sidewalls on Highway 47 in Valencia County, at approximately 11:45 a.m. This location is approximately two miles from her home. She has never been seen again. Calico biked the route daily during her routine 36-mile ride. Her bike was never located.

It is alleged that a nine-year-old boy vanished in April 1988 from the same area of New Mexico as Calico. He is the boy in a Polaroid taken with a girl believed to be Calico that are both bound with black tape over their mouths. The boy presumed to be in the picture is Michael Henley, his mother identified him in the photograph. Henley's remains were found in the Zuni Mountains in 1990. The FBI examined the photo and cannot determine whether the girl is Calico or the boy Henley, but experts at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in Arizona believes the girl is Calico. The girl's hairline and ear are similar to Calico's, and she has a mark on her calf similar to a scar Calico got from an car accident injury. It is not known whether the Polaroid was staged or whether the boy and girl were being held against their will.

First Name: Tara Leigh
Middle Name: Leigh
Last Name: Calico


Age When Last Known Alive: 19
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 67.0
Weight: 120.0


City: Belen
State: New Mexico
County: Valencia


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown. Cowlick on her right temple.
Eye: Hazel
Scars And Marks: Large scar on the back of her right shoulder. Dime-sized brown-colored birthmark on the back of one of her legs.

Clothing and Accessories


Witnesses saw a dirty white or light gray-colored 1953 Ford pickup truck with a white handmade shell following Calico during her ride. It is not known if the truck is connected to her presumed abduction.

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