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Edward Hale Tidwell Missing Person News and Details

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Edward Hale Tidwell Went Missing In Marion Kentucky in December 1981

Actual photo
Public viewable
This is a photo that was submitted by family members of Edward Tidwell.

Facial/case ID
Public viewable


Last seen alive: December 14, 1981 at 20:45

Circumstances: Mr. Tidwell had been employed as a deckhand. Supposedly Mr. Tidwell was to report to the Kern-McGee Mines at Marion ILL the day after his disappearance occurred. He had reportedly been enroute to Sturgis KY to buy alcohol. He was believed to be intoxicated at the time he disappeared.
First Name: Edward Hale
Middle Name: Hale
Last Name: Tidwell


Age When Last Known Alive: 31
Race: White
Sex: Male
Height: 71.0 to
Weight: 160.0 to


City: Marion
State: Kentucky
County: Crittenden


Hair: Brown
Head Hair: Brown
Body Hair: Brown
Facial Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Scars And Marks: right knee and right arm both have scars

nose has been broken several times

stab wound to upper left stomach

exploratory surgery front of stomach

Tattoos: tattoo from his service in the Army per the case, it is described as '13 1/2 / 12 jury' ; located on the left upper arm.

Clothing and Accessories

Clothing: Denim blue jeans (blue) 33/34 X 32/34
Footwear: Black steel toe 9-10 leather; lace up boot no hooks
Socks cotton; white (green/red) tops

Jewelry: None - no rings or watches


Vehicle Make: Chevrolet
Vehicle Model: Bel Air
Year: 1974
Vehicle Color: Yellow
Tag Number: AKV 215
Tag State: Kentucky
Right windshield on front of vehicle is cracked. There are rusty spots on the vehicle.

This is the vehicle he was last seen traveling in.

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